Nature-Based SolutionsNature-Based Solutions

We understand the critical need for sustainable practices and are committed to helping businesses navigate the complex landscape of regulations related to land use change and deforestation.

TDi Sustainability offers a range of nature-based solutions that support sustainability and responsible sourcing across industries. These services can be tailored to address the specific challenges related to deforestation and its impact on biodiversity, climate, and more.

Nature-based solutions utilise natural processes and ecosystems to address societal challenges, particularly in the context of climate change, biodiversity loss, and sustainable development. These solutions can include practices such as reforestation, wetland restoration, sustainable agriculture, and the conservation of natural habitats.

TDi’s Core Nature-Based Solutions

Legislation Analysis

TDi assists companies with comprehensive legislation analysis to help businesses navigate the complex landscape of environmental regulations and policies. This involves assessing current and upcoming legislation related to sustainability, biodiversity, and climate change. By understanding these legal frameworks, companies can ensure compliance, mitigate risks, and align their strategies with national and international sustainability goals.

Nature-Based Materiality Assessment

The nature-based materiality assessment offered by TDi Sustainability evaluates the environmental impacts and dependencies of a business on natural ecosystems. This assessment identifies key areas where nature-related issues are tied to the business’s operations and financial performance. By recognising these interdependencies, companies can prioritise their sustainability efforts and make informed decisions that enhance their resilience and contribute positively to biodiversity.

Climate and Nature Risk Interactions and Scenario Analysis

TDi provides insights into the interactions between climate and nature risks through detailed scenario analysis. This involves evaluating how climate change impacts natural ecosystems and, conversely, how the degradation of these ecosystems can exacerbate climate-related risks. By modelling various scenarios, businesses can better understand potential future risks and develop strategies to mitigate them, ensuring long-term sustainability and operational stability.


We assist businesses in reporting their sustainability efforts and nature-related impacts in accordance with emerging standards and frameworks. This includes guidance on best practices for transparency and accountability in sustainability reporting, helping companies communicate their progress and commitments effectively. By enhancing their reporting processes, businesses can build trust with stakeholders and demonstrate their commitment to responsible sourcing and environmental stewardship.

These services collectively empower businesses to integrate nature-based solutions into their operations, addressing challenges related to deforestation, biodiversity loss, and climate change while promoting sustainable development.

Our Key Areas

1. Biodiversity Preservation

We provide auditing services to assess the impact of nature-based risks, such as deforestation, on biodiversity hotspots and develop strategies for conservation and restoration.

2. Climate Change Mitigation

Our consulting services focus on developing sustainable land-use strategies to combat nature-based risks and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

3. Partnerships with on-the-ground initiatives

We assist in developing sustainable land-use strategies to promote responsible and sustainable practices in deforested areas.

4. Supply Chain Mapping

Through our digital tools, we support companies in mapping their supply chains to identify nature-based risks and ensure responsible sourcing.

5. Legislation Mapping

TDi offers comprehensive reporting services to help organisations track and report on their efforts to combat nature-based risks and promote sustainable practices. We help companies understand and comply with nature-based regulations to ensure responsible sourcing and land use practices throughout their supply chains.

6. Community Engagement

Our consulting services include strategies for engaging local communities and Indigenous peoples in sustainable forest management.

Regulations to Watch

EU Deforestation Regulation
The EUDR sets mandatory due diligence rules for companies aiming to ensure that only deforestation-free and legal products are allowed on the EU market. It targets key commodities such as coffee, cocoa, cattle, palm oil, soy, rubber, wood, and derived products. The regulation imposes fines of up to 4% of EU-wide turnover for violations and will be effective from December 2024.

EU Forced Labour Regulation (Upcoming)
This regulation prohibits all products suspected of being made with forced labour on the EU market, irrespective of source and industry. It is proposed to take effect in 2025/2026 and includes provisions for GHG emission tracking, adverse media reporting, supply chain mapping, and more.

US FOREST Act (Upcoming)
The FOREST Act bans the importation of palm oil, soya, cattle products, cocoa and rubber from illegally cleared land. The FOREST Act will require importers to provide supply chain information and point of origin, and the steps taken to assess and mitigate the risks.

UK Forest Risk Commodities Regulation (Upcoming)
The regulation will focus on four commodities identified as key drivers of deforestation: cattle products (excluding dairy), cocoa, palm oil and soy. Illegally harvested timber in supply chains is regulated separately through the UK Timber Regulations.

Why choose TDi?

  • TDi Sustainability is dedicated to helping companies navigate the complex landscape of environmental reporting.
  • Our comprehensive services not only cover a wide range of crucial areas but also ensure that companies can effectively monitor and address environmental risks and opportunities.
  • With our expertise and commitment to sustainability, we are the ideal partner for companies seeking to enhance their environmental reporting practices, providing them with tangible value and peace of mind.

    For more information about our services and how we can assist in identifying and monitoring risks related to deforestation in your supply chains, get in touch.