SolarSustainability Services for the Renewable Energy Sector

Making a Just Green Transition Possible

The future of clean energy lies in metals, and stakeholder expectations for strong environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance in supply chains are rising. The challenge this presents for producers is broad. Localised ESG impacts must be minimised, resource use must be sustainable, supply chains need to be resilient, and fundamental decisions must be made on how and where to extract the materials that are critical to the clean energy transition.

Recently the solar industry has come under the spotlight because of the materials required for use in photovoltaic cells, and the labour risks associated with their production – making traceability of supply chain sourcing in the solar PV supply chain increasingly critical. Helping organisations across the renewables industry gain a thorough understanding of their supply chains is one of our key service offerings at TDi Sustainability.

Latest Sustainability Trends for Renewables

Producers and purchasers of clean energy face increasingly stringent requirements to report on the environmental, social and governance impacts of the materials crucial for renewable energy technology.

Energy Transition Metals

Responsible Sourcing

Energy Storage

Human Rights

Industry Collaboration

Hazardous Materials

Case Studies

Solar Stewardship Initiative - a TDi Sustainability Consultancy Firm Standard

The Solar Stewardship Initiative

The Solar Stewardship Initiative (SSI) was created by TDi Sustainability in partnership with SolarPower Europe and Solar Energy UK to promote responsible sourcing and greater transparency in the solar supply chain. The SSI focuses on ensuring that the materials used in solar panel production are sourced ethically and sustainably.

TDi Sustainability is a permanent member of the SSI Secretariat and the SSI is now publicly endorsed by more than 40 solar companies – spanning the full value chain.

Find out more>

Material Change for Renewables Report

Produced by TDi Sustainability in 2024, this report is an essential guide for producers and purchasers of clean energy. It examines where the key challenges lie in the mineral supply chains for solar panels and wind turbines, and presents approaches, resources and recommendations for meeting those challenges. It includes profiles for three materials that are key to the clean energy transition: aluminium, steel and silicon and outlines the risk mitigation potential of voluntary sustainability standards.

Read the Report>

A roadmap for ethical and sustainable EV batteries

TDi worked as a consulting partner to help guide the city of Malmö in setting up a system for the ethical and sustainable procurement of e-vehicle and e-bicycle batteries.

TDi was involved in the development of a Risk Report detailing the most relevant ESG risks and bottlenecks related to the implementation of due diligence in the e-vehicle battery chain. The final report identifies four key risks areas and recommendations for addressing and mitigating those risks.

You can read the final roadmap produced as part of this project here

Standard development and certification programme management

TDi provided comprehensive support to Equitable Origin (EO) in the development of the EO100™ Standard, governance structure establishment and technology implementation for its energy projects.

The EO100™ Standards for onshore wind and solar development were launched in 2024, and are the only comprehensive standards specifically designed for hte regulation of ESG performance at renewable development sites.

Find out more about the Standards here

Services for Solar:Services for producers and purchasers of clean energy

TDi’s Services Supporting the Renewable Energy Sector Include:

Responsible Sourcing Research

Your customers, regulators, partners, investors and staff rightly want to know the who, what, why, where and when of the materials in your supply chain. Meeting those expectations requires global data gathering and incisive analysis. Learn more…

Supply Chain Mapping and Strategy Frameworks

We support clients in developing robust, responsible supply chain mapping, sourcing frameworks and management systems. Learn more…

Audits, Assessments and Due Diligence

Our audit preparation and training services can help you get ready for upcoming assessments and provide relevant training to your staff and suppliers. We can also carry out due diligence as part of the audit or assessment preparation – carrying out an in-depth assessment of your practices, measuring your performance, and working with your team to help you complete self-assessments against responsible sourcing standards and customer requirements.

As experienced auditors, we also conduct audits on behalf of our clients and are approved auditors for a wide range of standards. Find out more about the third-party audits we can carry out here>

ESG Risk Management

Our ESG Risk Management service provides tools and guidance for tracking, assessing and mitigating identified risks. Learn more…

Mapping of Regulations and Standards

The urgent need for critical minerals for the renewable energy transition has led to a vast array of new legislation and standards around their production. Our experts and digital tools can help you to navigate a clear path through and benchmark your activities and those of your counterparts and suppliers against the regulations and standards that are applicable to your operations. We can also help you to develop supplier codes of conduct and deliver training to provide your business with the resources it needs to understand environmental, governance, and social issues in your supply chains.

Human Rights Strategies and Impact Assessments

Leveraging our human rights strategies and human rights impact assessments (HRIAs), companies can ensure compliance with sustainable business regulations. Learn more…

Stakeholder Management Plans and Social Impact Strategies

Our community engagement services offer comprehensive solutions to help organisations define their sustainability ambitions, build a business case, and develop a strategy that aligns with the latest legislation, regulations, and sustainability initiatives.

We can help companies build social acceptance through development of stakeholder management plans, social media and communications strategies, community relations programmes and training, local procurement programmes, human rights initiatives, Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC), and social impact investment strategies. Find out more >

Involvement in Impact Initiatives on the Ground

Downstream companies are increasingly looking to create value through their sustainability efforts for local communities or environmental protection. This positive impact goes further than regulatory demands for operating or supply chain compliance.

TDi Impact supports and empowers communities that are rich in natural resources, and delivers meaningful change through a range of strategic partnerships. Get in touch to find out how we can help your business engage in local partnerships that can help drive systemic change for communities rich in the materials that are essential for the clean energy transition.

Development of Resources and Training

We can devise and deliver the training and resources that your business needs to understand the environmental, governance, and social issues in your supply chains, the regulations and standards that govern them, and how to mitigate risk and engage in positive action to ensure materials are responsibly sourced.

Development of Bespoke Digital Tools

The TDi Digital Team can develop the bespoke digital tools required by your business to understand and map supply chain risks by material, country and ESG risk issue.

Communication Strategies and Technical Writing

The TDi Communications Team is here to help you bring to life the work that you’re doing to future-proof your supply chains. Whether it be creating infographics, content for social, or setting up podcasts or webinars – get in touch to find out how we can help communicate responsible sourcing journey.

Find out more | Watch our latest webinar

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