Case StudyDenny Ellison | Training Programme


TDi Sustainability partnered with Denny Ellison, a London-based equity research and training organisation, to provide ESG research and training services specifically designed for buy-side and sell-side ‘mainstream’ equity research analysts.

Our ESG training programme included 5 modules:

1. An introduction to responsible investment

2. Understanding third-party ESG research

3. Choosing the relevant ESG factors

4. Assessing a company’s ESG performance

5. Integrating ESG into fundamental research

The program developed by TDi and Denny Ellison aims to help mainstream analysts understand third-party ESG research and identify, assess and integrate ESG factors into their own investment cases and company models. As ESG factors are sector-specific, the program is further divided into sub-classes for each sector, including mining, transport, energy and utilities, luxury, healthcare, and telecoms, among others.

The ESG training program was designed to address some key skills gaps for mainstream analysts when it comes to ESG:

– Making sense of how the information provided by third-party ESG research houses is important for informed decision-making

– Focusing on specific factors within environmental, social, and governance issues

– Why catering the ESG analysis to a specific sector is crucial for tailored and effective evaluation

– Integrating an ESG analysis into company forecasts, valuation, and an investment case for comprehensive financial analysis.

Get in touch with us to find out how we can help you to understand the sector-specific environmental, social, and governance risks associated with your programs and supply chain, and develop training programmes for your team and your stakeholders.